Tanzania's marriage law provides guidelines and procedures for how to get married. This legal process must be observed and adhered by everyone who is required to enter into a legally recognized marriage.
A Tanzanian has the right to marry or be married within or outside Tanzania irrespective of nationality of fiancé. A marriage may be contracted in the presence of the registrar in an Embassy, High Commission or consulate of the United Republic. However before getting married through the Embassy, High Commission or consulate it is necessary to satisfy yourself that your country has notified the Government of the United Republic that it does not disapprove of the contracting of marriages at the Embassy, High Commission or consulate of the United Republic in that country.

What does Certificate of no Impediment means

Marriage is considered valid in eyes of laws in Tanzania if:-
In relation to the above restrictions on marriage, Certificate of Impediment is issued upon application in case a citizen of the United Republic domiciled in Tanzania desires to contract marriage in any foreign country in accordance with the law of that country and the law of that country requires him or her to produce a certificate that no a bar or hindrance to the intended marriage is known to the responsible authority in Tanzania.

Who can Apply for Certificate of Impediment

Any citizen of the United Republic domiciled in Tanzania who desires to contract marriage in any foreign country in accordance with the law of that country and the law of that country requires him or her to produce a certificate that no legal impediment to the intended marriage is known to the responsible authority in Tanzania.

Necessary Information Required

The application should contain information such as personal particulars of the applicant, parents, employment history, previous marriage status, full name of intended wife/ husband and full particulars why certificate of no Impediment should be given.
The applicant will be required to declare that the information given is true and correct before Notary Public/Commissioner for Oaths in Tanzania.
Should any further clarification and assistance be required, please take our word that we are, and would like to remain at your disposal.

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