Pharmaceutical" and ''pharmaceutical product'' means any drug, substance or other article manufactured or prepared in any way and intended for use by man as a medicine or as a remedy used for the purposes of medical, dental or veterinary treatment.
The issue of human medicine is a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed. The state authorities are there to ensure that no one is involved in the production of the drug, substance or other article intended for medicine without permission.
In Tanzania, it is strictly prohibited to manufacture pharmaceuticals without having a licence. Any person who manufacture pharmaceutical without having a licence will be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment or to both that fine and imprisonment.
The laws and regulations have laid guidelines and instructions on how one can obtain a licence to manufacture pharmaceuticals. The rules requires anyone who wants to get involved in drug production to submit an application in the prescribed manner for a license to manufacture pharmaceuticals.
The application must be accompanied by the application fee and should meet the prescribed conditions and standards.
Should any further clarification and assistance be required, please take our word that we are, and would like to remain at your disposal.